Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Your Personal Research Journey

Greeting fellow colleagues,
  I have chosen to focus my attention on play/learn experiences in classrooms settings. It has been a passion of mine to re introduce teachers and schools to play/learn experiences since this massive desk/assessment era has begun. I think our children are losing out on what we experienced as children; the ability to learn self-regulation, cooperation, and to just plain, have fun. 
It has been an interesting journey thus far, researching play/learn, because there are many organizations now dedicating themselves to reviving play in school settings. It is great to know that others, in more established positions, have the same desires as me.

It has been helpful constructing the research chart because I can appreciate the work that goes into a complete and reputable research article/journal. While I am far from being a professional, I can understand now what it takes to be a researcher.
Having said this, is there anything that anyone can suggest to help my journey into research produce effective results?


  1. Hi. What an interesting topic. As you, I feel as though there should be a healthier balance between play/learn withing the early childhood environment. I think it will be interesting to see your results and all of the benefits that it can provide all professionals and children in the field. I also found teh chart to be very resourceful. Many do not realize the amount of work that goes into planning, conducting, analyzing, and sharing research.

  2. I am happy someone has decided to address the issue of play for young children. In one of my previous courses we studied the demise of play in the school curriculum. It is extremely upsetting that children in kindergarten through third grade are the ones who are affected the most. I believe that this age group in particular need play in their everyday lives becuse they have the burden of learning reading, math, science, etc. and need some time to be able to unleash some stress and be able to play freely. I wish you a great deal of luck with your research endeavor.

  3. Thank you ladies!

    I have such a passion for paly/ learn experiences and want to convey this message to the masses.
