The Creator-
Without which I would not exist or have the ability to progress and thrive.He is my ultimate support system.
The reason I even decided to further my education. They inspire me to be a better person.
Obviously, there would be no existence without The Creator. Without my family, I would be able to move forward, but there is so much more purpose in my life with the presence of my family.
I imagined I lost the ability to see. Although my remaining senses would be enhanced to compensate for the lost, I would still very much miss all the things and people’s features and faces I will not view again.
There is no existence or support without The Creator, so its impossible for me to talk about life without Him.
I would definitely need the support of family and friends to help me through. Physically, I would no longer be able to transport myself to and from places, nor would I be able to safely care for my youngest daughter without a sighted person to assist me.